NOVEMBER 29, 2018, BOYNTON BEACH, FL: The Literacy Coalition of Palm Beach County is pleased to announce funding received for two afterschool literacy programs called “Stories and STEM” and “Read! Lead! Succeed!” made possible with support from Prime Time Palm Beach County, Inc., which receives significant funding from the Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County.
The Stories and STEM program, formerly called After School Reads, is designed to excite children and youth about Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM), build on prior knowledge, promote curiosity and help children learn important cooperation and teamwork skills. The children learn that STEM is a way of thinking and exploring the world, not just a collection of facts. Throughout the literacy based curriculum, youth participate in fun and engaging hands-on activities and are introduced to creative minds, both famous and lesser-known, who can serve as role models to interest children in STEM careers. Stories and STEM is provided in eight-week blocks to children in kindergarten through fifth grade, once a week for two hours during the fall and spring. In the summer, Stories and STEM is offered in one-hour sessions in a six-week period.
The Read! Lead! Succeed! program, formerly called Turning Bullies into Buddies, empowers youth to contribute to a positive community by addressing social issues with a youth-driven, collaborative project. The program is designed to help participants to be effective problem-solvers by benefiting from and making use of the written word and spoken language, enhance their social awareness while improving their emotional management skills, and become more caring individuals with concern and respect for others. Participants utilize a process that includes researching a problem to increase knowledge, working as a team to apply knowledge and reflecting to understand the experience. Each series is comprised of six, one-hour sessions.
The Literacy Coalition of Palm Beach County is a recipient of the coveted 4-star Charity Navigator rating for 10 consecutive years, the Literacy Coalition of Palm Beach County works to improve the quality of life in our community by promoting and achieving literacy. Through extensive outreach and collaboration with a network of community partners, the Literacy Coalition strives to ensure that adults, children and families who need to improve their literacy skills receive the help they need. Visit for more details.
The mission of Prime Time Palm Beach County, Inc. ( to help children and youth succeed by strengthening and expanding quality in the out-of-school time field. Prime Time offers support to OST programs through coaching and assessment for continuous quality improvement, as well as program enrichment through its expanded learning providers. For the individual practitioners, Prime Time offers career advising, training, scholarships and financial incentives to increase the quality of out-of-school time programs in Palm Beach County.
Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County, a special district created by Palm Beach County voters, provides leadership, funding and research on behalf of the county’s children so they grow up healthy, safe and strong.
For more information, contact:
Kristin Calder, CEO
Literacy Coalition of PBC
(561) 279-9103