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Village Readers Family Education

The Village Readers Family Education program in Delray Beach provides literacy and language instruction for adults and their elementary school-age children. English language learning adult students attend classes in the evening to develop skills to prepare them for further education and enhanced employment opportunities. Their children receive individualized reading instruction in the afternoon and attend an evening children’s program with educational enrichment activities during the hours that their parents attend class. Once a month, parents and their children come together for Parent and Child Together (PACT) time, reinforcing the idea that learning involves the whole family. The program also offers monthly parenting skills workshops for our adult students to learn how they can best support their children.


View The FlyerFor more information or to register for English (ESOL) classes, please call 561-501-3196 or email

By The Numbers


and 43
165 adults and 43 children participated in the evening program


children received afternoon tutoring in reading and comprehension


of the children tutored made significant improvement in reading


of adults tested demonstrated significant learning gains in their English language skills


books were distributed

Success Story

Judith moved to the U.S. from Haiti in 2013 with her three children and found an entry level position, knowing she needed an income to support her family. Working in housekeeping for a hotel was hard, physical work, but she didn’t have strong enough English skills to secure a higher role. In 2016, Judith had another child, Franchesca. When Franchesca entered second grade...

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